Painful Intercourse (dyspareunia)

Pain is not something women usually think of when engaging in sex or intimacy with our partner but for 1 out of 5 women this is their truth. Maybe you have just had a baby and the first time back wasn’t how you remembered it. Or maybe you’ve tip toed into the garden of menopause and now things are a little bit different. Or maybe you have been experiencing this for some time now and the thought of sexual intercourse is triggering.

There are many elements that can contribute to an undesirable experience in the bedroom such as pelvic floor stiffness or involuntary contractions. Or maybe there is pain with touch or anxiety. Pelvic Physiotherapy can be life changing for women experiencing these symptoms.

It’s important to understand why you may be experiencing pain with sex and what your intimacy goals are. Our pelvic health Physiotherapists are specifically trained to help get you back to pleasurable sexual activity.

How can we help?

  • Pelvic floor relaxation

  • Pelvic floor stretching

  • Dilator therapy

  • Graded return to sexual activity

  • Sexual therapist liaison

  • Detailed management plan

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